Volume 14, Issue 4 (12-2023)                   Res Anim Prod 2023, 14(4): 78-87 | Back to browse issues page

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Rahmani S, Zare E, sahraei M. (2023). Economic Evaluation of Research Projects Related to Sheep and Goat in Ardabil Province. Res Anim Prod. 14(4), 78-87. doi:10.61186/rap.14.42.78
URL: http://rap.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-1348-en.html
1- Agricultural Education and Promotion Research Organization, Section of Economic and Social Research, Tehran, Iran
2- Agricultural Research Center of Fars Province, Shiraz Agricultural Research Center, Shiraz, Iran
3- Agricultural Research Center of Ardabil Province, Ardabil Agricultural Research Center, Ardabil, Iran
Abstract:   (1110 Views)
Extended Abstract
Background: Sheep and goat breeding plays a significant role in providing the necessary meat, ensuring food security, generating income, and creating employment for villagers and nomads in the country. Due to the rising prices of animal feed and other production inputs, the cost of production on sheep and goat farms has increased. Therefore, enhancing production efficiency within livestock units is crucial for making livestock breeding more economical. This goal can be achieved through methods such as selective breeding, improving feeding, rearing, and reproduction practices, enhancing feed preparation techniques, and advancing health and veterinary conditions. The results of this research, which comprehensively analyze research incomes and costs using various methods such as cost-benefit ratio analysis and internal rate of return, provide documentary evidence to be presented to policymakers at both provincial and national levels.
Methods: The most common methods for the economic evaluation of public projects are the benefit-cost ratio and the internal rate of return. These criteria are clear indicators for assessing the economic impact of research results. The data used for economic evaluation in this project consists of recorded (library) data related to research costs and the transfer of research results to users. This includes all direct costs associated with the implementation of relevant research projects (implementation costs included in the project certificate) and indirect costs such as personnel and service expenses, as well as the costs of transferring research results and overhead costs (5%) from the provincial research center. The survey also assesses the impact of applying research results on increasing production, reducing costs, and minimizing losses in livestock units, based on direct feedback from livestock farmers in the study area (Ardebil province).
Results: The evaluation of the projects conducted in sheep and goat herds indicated an improvement in the production performance of Mughani sheep, increased income, and reduced herd maintenance costs. The benefit-cost ratio for investing in research and promoting the results of these projects is 366.5, with an estimated annual internal rate of return of 234. For the first project (fertility synchronization), this index was 171.4, while for the second project (using starter feed), it was 519.5 and 203, respectively.
Conclusion: The results obtained from this study demonstrate the economic applicability of the research findings within the target community. The transmission of research results and their utilization by beneficiaries require attention to other socio-economic factors affecting livestock farmers’ activities. An examination of the alignment between conducted research projects and existing problems in the province's livestock units revealed that there is relatively little correspondence between the identified issues and the implemented research projects.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: مدیریت دامپروری و تولید
Received: 2022/12/28 | Accepted: 2023/08/19

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