Kashfi H, Yazdani A R, Latifi M. (2011). Economical Study of Effective Management Strategies on Prevention of Displaced Abomasum in Transition Period in Commercial Dairy Farms in Shahroud.
Res Anim Prod.
2(4), 61-70.
1- Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources University of Gorgan
2- Shahroud's Central Veterinary Laboratory
Abstract: (5116 Views)
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of management strategies to prevention of displaced abomasum metabolic disorder in transition period in commercial dairy farms in shahroud. For this purpose a questionnaire was prepared in order to obtain required information about the implementation of these management strategies, implementation costs, involvement situation with disorders relying upon clinical signs and treatment and health records, producing and economic situation, fertility rate and it's costs. The considered managerial strategies include using forage with suitable length and lack of sudden usage of high concentrate (Pay attention to the fiber and physical form of the rations) and increasing the consuming feed after calving in transition period. Finally and upon arrangement of data it was possible to study the effects of mentioned management strategies on related varibles through multiple linear regressions. Furthermore in order to study the relation among variables, we considered pearson correlation coefficients as well. Finally it was revealed that any application of management strategies for prevention of displaced abomasum in transition period has a significant effect on managerial and economic parameters.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2013/04/21 | Accepted: 2013/04/29