Volume 8, Issue 15 (6-2017)                   Res Anim Prod 2017, 8(15): 144-148 | Back to browse issues page

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(2017). Comparison of Reproductive Performance of Two Pure Lines of Japanese Quail and Their Reciprocal Crosses . Res Anim Prod. 8(15), 144-148. doi:10.29252/rap.8.15.144
URL: http://rap.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-758-en.html
Abstract:   (4085 Views)

In the current study, two groups of lines Coturnix Japonica Quail that were selected for hig (HW) and low (LW) body weight at the age of 4 weeks for 7 generations were used. HW line after selection for 7 generations was significantly heavier than LW line in the same generation at the age of 28days (p<0.01).  21 females, and 11 males from the HW, 18 females and 10 male from the LW lines were mated in the reciprocal cross to produce two groups, one group with HW male parents and the other group with LW male parents. To determine the reciprocal and heterosis effects for hatch weight and 4 weeks body weight and also for reproductive traits including age at sexual maturity, weight of sexual maturity, percentage of fertility and percentage of hatching, the groups produced by reciprocal crossing were compared with parental lines. The differences between two lines were significant for the mean of all traits except for egg number (P<0.01). The effect of heterosis was significant for age at sexual maturity, percentage of fertility and percentage of hatching but was not significant for other traits. The maternal or reciprocal effect was significant for all traits except for egg number trait (P<0.01).

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/06/17 | Accepted: 2017/06/17

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