Volume 13, Issue 38 (12-2022)                   Res Anim Prod 2022, 13(38): 147-154 | Back to browse issues page

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Saghi D A, Vadiee Noghabei A R, Saghi R. (2022). Evaluation of Performance of Crossbred Lambs from Baluchi Ewe with Kurdi and Karakul Rams. Res Anim Prod. 13(38), 147-154. doi:10.52547/rap.13.38.147
URL: http://rap.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-1256-en.html
1- Agricultural Education and Extension Research, Khorasan Razavi Agricultural Research and Education Center and Natural Resources
2- Khorasan Razavi Agricultural Education and Research Center
3- Agricultural Education and Extension Research, Khorasan Razavi Agricultural Education and Research Center
Abstract:   (1492 Views)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Crossbreeding as the fastest approach to take advantage of difference between breeds, can be an effective method to improve the efficiency of meat production in sheep. The aim of the present study is to compare Balochi lambs with the crossbred obtained from Baluchi ewes with Kurdi and Karakul rams.
Materials and Methods: In order to investigate the effect of crossbreeding on the weight performance of lambs up to weaning and the fattening period and carcass composition, three genetic groups including pure Baluchi (BB) lambs, Karakul × Baluchi (GB) and Kurdi × Baluchi (KB) crosses were used. The ewes were mated in groups of 50 and each group with 2 rams. The number of 27 purebred and crossbred male lambs were used in the form of three treatments with three replications and three lambs per replication. Data were analyzed using GLM procedure of SAS software.
Results: The results showed that lambs from Karakul rams had the highest birth weight and lambs from Baluchi rams had the lowest birth weight (4.80 and 3.95 kg, respectively). Lambs from karakul rams had higher daily gain (260g /day) before weaning than other lambs (p<0.05).  The highest and lowest dry matter intake were in the GB group (1250g /day) and the BB group (950 g / day), respectively. The highest daily gain in GB group and the lowest in BB group were 169.2 and 93.8 g / day, respectively (p <0.05). The genetically groups had significant effect on cold and hot carcass weights (p<0.05). The effect of crossbreeding on fat thickness, fat-tail, and shank was significant (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Due to the suitable reproductive performance in using Karakul ram as a paternal breeding base and optimal performance in growth rate, feed consumption, conversion ratio in the pre-weaning and post-weaning periods as well as carcass characteristics including hot and cold carcass weight and less tail compared to other crossbreds used in this study, it is probably more appropriate to use Karakul rams to produce crossbred lambs.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: ژنتیک و اصلاح نژاد دام
Received: 2021/12/5 | Accepted: 2022/10/22

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