Volume 8, Issue 16 (11-2017)                   rap 2017, 8(16): 86-93 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (3430 Views)
     In this research, effects of Zilpaterol hydrochloride as a beta-2 agonist were investigated on color traits, chemical compounds (protein, fat, ash and dry matter contents) and some of consumer palatability ratings (cooking loss, tenderness, flavor, meat off flavor and general acceptability) of longissimus muscle (LM) in Mahabadi castrated male kids. In this study 16 kids with 23± 1.84 kg live body weight and 6 months old were used for 93 days as feedlot period. Goats were fed diet including 15.2% crude protein and 2.3 Mcal/kgDM ME. On day 60, kids fed 0.2 mg/kg live body weight of Zilpaterol hydrochloride during 30 finishing period with 3 days withdrawal from feedlot period. All of goats were slaughtered in industrial slaughterhouse and the carcass was chilled on 4°C for 24h. After chilling muscle, the color attributes was determined. A sample from area 11th to 13th ribs of LM was prepared and immediately vacuum sealed and freighted at -18 °C. Zilpatrol hydrochloride increased protein (P<0.01), moisture (P<0.05) and ash (P<0.081), while decreased fat (P<0.05) contents. This beta agonist caused an increase in cooking loss, but a decrease in palatability specifications (P<0.01) by consumer panelist in treated group compared to control. Zilpaterol   hydrochloride decreased a* (P<0.01), b* (P<0.01), saturation index (P<0.01), while increased L* (P<0.01) and Hue Angle (P<0.05). Results showed that Zilpaterol hydrochloride supplementation improved chemical composition and color attributes, but decreased consumer palatability of meat in castrated male kids.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/10/30 | Revised: 2017/11/5 | Accepted: 2017/10/30 | Published: 2017/10/30

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